ICYMI: Splinter Year End Review video, newsletter
We had a big year! Check out the recap above, and read more in our latest newsletter below. If you’re not subscribed, you can do that too: https://mailchi.mp/splintercollective/black-futures-month-2024
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News & Notes from Nat, events, & 2 Day Splinter Gayla Dec 20 & 21!
Beloveds members and supporters, If you’d like to skip my missives, please scroll down to read about upcoming offerings, including Splinter Collective’s 2 day Gala celebration on 12/20 and 12/21 and more! In person and virtual options! Communication. It’s a puzzle. I recently saw a beloved in Chicago. As we were catching up, I realized that they weren’t aware of Splinter or anything else that has been going on with my life for the last few years. I also realize ...
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February Newsletter
Dear friends, relatives, and accomplices, How are you? It’s been a minute. It feels like we just wrapped up our Solstice Gala, and we’re already launching full throttle into a packed spring event season. With all our projects in the works, it’s hard to know where to start. We have so much to share with you all about our partnership at Estevan Park, but that will be next time, because it’s Black History month, and we have a lot to ...
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