We’re Hiring!
We have a new jobs page! Take a look at our job openings and apply now! We look forward to hearing from you.

October Announcements
Dear friends, supporters, and accomplices, I don’t know about you, but for us at Splinter, this summer has been a lot of things- trying, exhausting, transformative, and beautiful. As you know from our last newsletter, we’ve been focusing primarily on reorganizing our internal structure and fine tuning our operations in order to build a solid foundation for our fall season. We’ve had some major staffing changes, including the step down of two amazing and instrumental members of our team, Ronah, ...

July Announcements
We’ve spent the month of June resting and reflecting, imagining what our space will look like in a month, a year, five years. Growth can be uncomfortable, and has been pushing us to level up communication skills, pathways, and even our definitions of community. At Splinter, we firmly believe in pushing back against expectations of constant productivity at the expense of self and community care. If our meetings this month have shown us anything- and they’ve shown us a lot- ...

Summer Update
We’ve had an amazing first year and we’re getting ready to take some time off to restore, reset, and level up the space. For the month of June we’ll be pressing pause on most of our internal events, including Interrupted by Trains, our Art Bazaar, and our monthly karaoke night. We’ll still be booking our space for community events, and channeling energy into future projects. This past year we went from a collection of a few people with a dream, ...
Corona update from Splinter Collective
Every email I write includes some line about how these are strange times. When I talk to a friend and one of us asks how the other is doing the answer is a universal shrug. It’s a strange time to be alive. A strange time to be an artist. A strange time to be in community. And a very strange time to take over a business that focuses on art and community. But that’s what I just did. My partner ...