Join Splinter Collective as a Club Member!
At Splinter we are striving to create a little pocket of the world that is equitable, just, and a model of how communities can do things differently, including with our fully sliding-scale Club Membership.
We recognize the colonized space we occupy. We are dedicated to being an active participant in decolonization, neighborhood creation, anti-gentrification, social change, and art and culture making. We prioritize and amplify the voices and experiences of folks on the margins — our events and efforts are Queer, Trans, Disabled, Criminalized, and BIPOC centered.
Not sure if you’re a member? Fill out this Membership Check Form.
Splinter Club Member Benefits Include:
- Voting rights: Your voice matters! As a member, you’ll have the power to vote on certain decisions and initiatives within Splinter. Your opinion counts, and we want to hear it. You are invited to monthly member meetings and the public access portion of Board meetings to co-create our future.
- Exclusive access: Picture this: member-only events, workshops, and exhibitions where you can mingle with fellow supporters and have meaningful conversations. You are also eligible to rent the space for your own events – visit Booking for how to rent this space!
- Discounts: Who doesn’t love a good discount? As a member, you’ll enjoy special pricing on selected Splinter events. It’s our little way of saying thank you for being part of our community.
- Quarterly newsletter: Stay in the loop with all the exciting happenings at Splinter through our quarterly newsletter. Get artist spotlights, community stories, and a sneak peek at upcoming events delivered right to your inbox.
- Impact: By becoming a member, you’re directly supporting our mission to center marginalized voices, promote social change through art, provide mutual aid to our unsheltered neighbors, and enact disability justice.

Community Guidelines
By signing up to become a member, you agree to the following:
- We support you fighting the patriarchy: but no weapons, no guns, and no fighting on the premises.
- No bigoted language of any kind: no homophobia, transphobia, racism, or sexism. Be respectful of pronouns. Marginalizing language is not permitted here. Verbal or physical abuse of any kind to any person will not be tolerated.
- If you intend to drink, bring proof of identification. No underage drinking allowed and do not bring alcohol on or off the premises. We have a liquor license and want to keep it!
- If you are asked to leave, we expect you to respect our request. If we can’t finish a conversation about an incident in the moment, we will absolutely return to it at a later time. We are committed to holding space for processes of repair so we can stay in right relationship with one another.
- Splinter and its employees reserve the right to deny service and entrance at any time to any one.
- Splinter is not held liable or responsible for lost, stolen, or broken items. However, we would love to help you find them by way of looking, thoughts, prayers and moments of silence.
- Friendly pets are welcome. Please be sure to clean up after them.
- Splinter events are often recorded or live streamed to increase accessibility and we often take pictures at events. Please let us know if you specifically do not want to be photographed.
Parking: Please park on the street or at Estevan Park, and be mindful that other vehicles and our neighbors need space to park as well. Don’t block driveways.
We. Love. You. Thank you for being a part of this vibrant future.
How much should I contribute annually for membership?
Your support and membership is so important to us. While financial support is essential for our survival as a collective, please feel deeply welcome if monetary contribution is not what you can offer. Here are some guidelines around choosing an amount to contribute annually that is accurate and expansive.
We welcome members from anywhere, but we need a roster of a minimum of 100 dues paying members in Pima County, who pay at least $6/year to qualify for certain legal things. We hope to reach many more folks than that.
We recommend:
Low or No Income:
This means you don’t bring in much money, or basic bills are a struggle. Hustling constantly is real. Making hard choices between paying for necessities is daily. We don’t want your money. We want to be a resource and a home for you. Simply fill out the waiver and exit the donation page.
Riding the Edge:
Generally, bills are paid, you have to be careful but you have a little extra to dedicate to entertainment, mutual aid, travel or can choose to not work sometimes. We suggest:
$6 – $12
Surfing the Middle:
Bills are covered and you have some ability to save or be casual about smaller purchases, eating out, travel choices. We suggest:
$5 – $15
$60 – $180
Safety Net:
You are comfortable, own or rent a stable home, can save and cover optional purchases without hardship. You have investments or a safety net of generational wealth. You generally experience a certain level of privilege and have benefited from financial support for education, housing, and survival growing up. We suggest:
$20 – $100
$240 – $1,200
Community Investor:
You have the capacity to be a pillar of support, and want to invest in community. You believe in our ability to create lasting social change, pay our folks a living wage, and generally shift culture long term towards sustainability, equality, and justice.
Sky’s the limit honey! Pay it forward.
$5,000 – $75,000
Contributions of this size deeply impact our capacity, and ability to support other artists and groups.
NOTE: This text may not be up-to-date. Please review the agreement again when signing.
Release and Waiver of Liability
Splinter Collective is a unique, supportive and expressive place. Participating in activities at Splinter, as with anything in our world, carries with it certain dangers. This document outlines some of the specific risks associated with our space so you can make informed decisions regarding specific activities and offerings. We want you to be aware of this so that you can fully experience what Splinter has to offer, take opportunities to stretch and grow, and feel valued and supported as a community member.
I enter into this release and waiver of liability in connection with being onsite at any Splinter Art and Community Fund property and/or participating in any community event, observing any show or exhibition, participating in any workshop, or receiving any form of assistance on site including medical care (collectively, the “Activities” or “Activity”).
This release and waiver equally applies to my entering or exiting any facility operated by Splinter Art and Community Fund including the location at 901 North 13th Avenue in Tucson (aka Chukson), Arizona and whether my participation in the Activities occurs at a Splinter Art and Community Fund facility or not and whether inside or outside. This release and waiver also covers any associated parking areas associated with any Splinter Art and Community Fund property or event. I agree to the following:
I alone assume all risks associated with being on, entering, or exiting a Splinter Art and Community Fund premises and with participating in any Splinter Art and Community Fund Activity. Those risks include but are not limited to injuries from slipping or tripping anywhere on the premises including the all-gender bathrooms; falling; overexertion; injuries from tools, circus equipment (including but not limited to aerial silks, hoops, hammock, lyra, trapeze, pole, straps and related equipment); from falling from, tripping into, or running into a pole; bodily injury (specifically, eye injuries) from bands; collisions or verbal/physical altercations with other community members and/or staff; alleged negligent maintenance, instruction, or hiring; from slipping/tripping and falling due to allegedly insufficient lighting; from my decision to climb on any structure; from miscarriage or other pregnancy related complications; from allegedly negligent cleaning, construction, or building/facility maintenance; from equipment (including but not limited to the sudden, unforeseen malfunctioning of any equipment); from aggravation of a pre-existing injury; from a negative reaction to any food or beverage provided; from other participants in the Activities; from any interaction with a Splinter Art and Community Fund staff member or volunteer; from an allergic or chemical reaction to any agent and/or cleaner; or from the contraction of any illness, disease, condition, or infection from this premises or allegedly, our staff or other community members. I acknowledge that these injuries could be psychological, emotional, or physical and that they could be minor or significant (including death).
I understand that any circus/aerial activity is inherently dangerous and that these risks cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of this activity. This training exposes community members to risks of cuts and bruises, sprains, strains, and more significant injuries from falling. I understand that these Activities are usually, but not always, monitored by Splinter Collective staff/instructors (members are often given space to further their training on an individual basis); I acknowledge that it is not possible for such staff to monitor the activities and actions of all participants at all times. I expressly agree that I alone will accept all risks of injuries and/or death to me or any minor in my care while on this property and/or participating in these Activities.
I agree to follow all safety directions provided by our staff.
I understand that the Activities may involve myself or other participants consuming alcohol. I accept any and all risks stemming from my consumption of alcohol as well as from other members’ consumption of alcohol. If I am suffering from any relevant medical condition, it is my responsibility to inform a Splinter Art and Community Fund instructor or staff member in writing before participating in any relevant Activity or event.
In consideration of my participation in these Splinter Art and Community Fund Activities, I agree not to hold Splinter Art and Community Fund d/b/a Splinter Collective, Splinter Collective, LLC, Parallax Holdings, LLC, their volunteers, employees, owners, officers, independent contractors, Natalie Brewster Nguyen or Keith Gunnar Bentele (collectively, the “Released Parties”) liable in any respect for negligence stemming from any injury or death stemming from or related to any of the aforementioned Activities or risks enumerated in this agreement of which I have explicitly been made aware and for which I have assumed sole legal responsibility. Accordingly, I do hereby forever release and discharge the Released Parties from any and all claims or causes of action to the fullest extent allowable by law.
I understand that the Released Parties are not responsible for any loss of personal property. I further understand that by participating in these Activities with Splinter Art and Community Fund that I am consenting to be depicted in photographs and video for marketing purposes.
I understand that, except to request a monetary refund for that particular event, I have no claim against the Released Parties by reason of their refusal to allow me to participate in any Activity or event. I acknowledge and understand that no employee or agent of Splinter Art and Community Fund is a licensed dietitian, physician, or physical therapist, and that any products, services, information, guidelines, or advice provided by Splinter Art and Community Fund shall not be construed as dietary, medical, or rehabilitative advice or as treatment for any medical or physiological condition, pathology, or disability, and that they carry no express or implied warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranties regarding safety or suitability for a particular purpose. It is my responsibility to look out for my own safety at all times.
I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Released Parties against any claims, liability, damages, defense costs (including attorneys’ fees), and any other costs incurred in connection with claims for bodily injury, wrongful death, loss of consortium or property damage arising out of or otherwise related to my participation in these Activities. I agree that if I (on my own behalf or on behalf of another, including an estate) assert a claim (including a claim for negligence or wrongful death) against any of the Released Parties and/or otherwise breach my agreement not to sue any of the Released Parties, I will pay all reasonable fees (including attorneys’ fees), costs, and expenses incurred by said Released Parties to defend (1) the claim; and (2) all other claims arising out of the same facts as the claim.
To the extent applicable, I consent to my minor child (“the Minor”) participating in these Activities. I know that these Activities carry specific risks identified in this agreement and I believe the Minor is qualified and of the appropriate age to participate in these Activities. If, despite this release, I, the Minor, or anyone on the Minor’s behalf, makes a claim against any of the Released Parties, I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Released Parties from any litigation expenses, attorneys fees, costs, loss, liability, or damages they incur whether the claim is based in negligence or otherwise.
The validity, enforcement, construction, and interpretation of this agreement shall be governed by Arizona law. Any action or proceeding arising in connection with this agreement and/or with the undersigned’s participation in any session or event with Splinter Art and Community Fund or from being on its premises or against Splinter Art and Community Fund in any respect, can only be brought in Pima County, Arizona. All parties to this agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts whether based on convenience or otherwise.
By signing this agreement, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms of the Splinter Collective Membership Agreement (a separate document).
If any provision or part-provision of this Release is or becomes invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, this Release shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal, and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this agreement. By signing this release, I acknowledge that I understand its contents and that this release cannot be orally modified. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above. I sign this agreement on my own behalf and, if applicable, on behalf of the Minor.
Ready To Become A Member?
With deep gratitude and towards collective liberation.