Beloveds members and supporters,
If you’d like to skip my missives, please scroll down to read about upcoming offerings, including Splinter Collective’s 2 day Gala celebration on 12/20 and 12/21 and more! In person and virtual options!
Communication. It’s a puzzle. I recently saw a beloved in Chicago.
As we were catching up, I realized that they weren’t aware of Splinter or anything else that has been going on with my life for the last few years. I also realize that we haven’t taken advantage of all of you wonderful Splinter members and donors and supporters who have opted in to hearing from us via newsletter.
Life moves so fast! We pull ourselves together enough to update social media sometimes, but even that’s hard and really not my personal wheelhouse. We have more and more options, more task managers, more platforms. But how do we effectively navigate all the noise to get to those important moments when we’re looking at each others’ faces, and telling our truths?
So here’s my resolution, to put less pressure on communication to be perfect, and just get it out there. Thank you so much for your patience and support as we grow this thing we call Splinter Collective. We’ve got some exciting new membership perks we’ll be rolling out in the new year! Be on the lookout for those announcements soon, and I hope to see you all at the VIP soiree and our 2nd annual Splinter Solstice Gala next week!
At the gala, we’ll do a much more comprehensive update about what this last year has brought, but in a nutshell, we’ve grown by leaps and bounds.
In our efforts to advocate for the Estevan park bathroom to stay open in 2022, we entered into a contract with the city in which we were to be reimbursed for some hours monitoring and cleaning the park. This was an exciting development, and we thought we could make a difference in the lives of folks who depend on the park, and be in closer conversation with all of our neighbors. We began this program in November of 2022, and it was a whole rollercoaster. We tried our best to defend the encampment’s right to be there and mitigate the main issues that upset others in the neighborhood. This proved to be a largely Sisyphyian task, because until we as a whole society comes up with a much bigger and broader set of solutions to the housing crisis, we’ll just keep applying tiny bandaids to this giant wound. Hard as we tried, the encampment was eventually swept from the park, and I went through multiple legal battles with the railroad and city. Some of you know that I was facing multiple charges of “attractive public nuisance” after the encampment was pushed out and a bunch of folks set up camp on Splinter property. It’s a longer story, but ultimately, although I really wanted to take on this battle as a matter of principle, I ended up being about a million percent beyond my capacity and had to acquiesce. The city dropped the charges eventually.
Currently, we continue to offer resources, distribute needed items, host occasional dinners to build community with our neighbors both housed and unhoused or organize for social and housing justice. We’re working on building capacity and taking some time to figure out what we really want to work on in the new year.
Aside from all that, we’ve hosted countless beautiful queer and liberatory events and gatherings. We got our liquor license, continue to level up the physical space, and build collective power and strategy.
Your support has been ESSENTIAL in this work. From tireless volunteers, inspiring artists and producers to brilliant community organizers, we are so grateful to be in community with you. If you haven’t already please consider becoming a member of Splinter!
I promise, you’ll be hearing from us more.
To collective liberation,
Nat, and all of Splinter Collective
Splinter Solstice Gayla
The Splinter Solstice Gayyyyla: Fire and Light Amplifying the Night
12/21 6pm doors, opening at 7pm and show at 7:30pm. At Splinter. Multiple ticket levels.
For our second annual Solstice Gala, we are so excited to bring this talent and space to reflect to you. So many inspiring local artists are set to perform! Join virtually or live! There will be many spaces to engage in person – in addition to our outdoor courtyard, bar, and performance area, Studio 1 will be our indoor “warm embrace space” for a mellow break to warm up and drink tea, & local apothecary Root Wing will be open for tarot readings. We are sad that our original headliner, Yvie Oddly had to cancel, but we love our chronic illness babes and so support and respect the need to take care of ourselves. Taking her place is the INCREDIBLE Dorian Wood from LA.
Check her out. She brings us cathartic Trans Joy and artistry, and a wealth of connections to cutting edge artists.
Check out the full details on all our highlighted performers and more…

Join the Splinter Gayla Virtually
We have the option to join our Gayla virtually again this year. We are working on creating a fun and connected virtual space for all our loved ones that won’t be able to join us in person.
Zoom and Youtube live details will be sent to you upon registration.
Pre-Gayla VIP Soirée
A VIP Soiree in celebration of Sex Workers, Drag Queens, Kinksters, Queers and other Deviants!
12/20 6:30-10pm at the legendary Don Martini Lounge. Hosted by Daddy Nat and The Vamp Natalia
Your ticket to this event includes entrance to this intimate party, as well as entrance to the Splinter Solstice Gayla the following night. An open bar with custom cocktails, catered food all night long, dancers, performers, a kink themed lounge area, and live Jazz from the Larry Redhouse Trio. Get sexy in the photobooth. Bring cash to experience erotic and kinky “tasters” with our performers. This is not a night you’ll want to miss. And we’re just getting started!